INSTEAD OF HUMANS LET MONKEYS GOVERN THE COUNTRIES, AT LEAST THEY WILL STEAL ONLY BANANAS !!!! WE WERE ALL HUMANS UNTIL RACE DISCONNECTED US, RELIGION SEPARATED US, POLITICS DIVIDED IUS WEALTH CLASSIFIED US. Each one has forgotten that we were ONE NATION UNDER GOD but now it seems we are have become NATION GONE UNDER. We live in a world fascist government supports aggressors, burn human alive, put them behind bars who oppose the government, oppresses minorities every day, call farmers terrorist for protesting, the economy has been ruined terribly, media speaks everything expect truth, healthcare infrastructure didn't stand up in pandemic of covid19, and feminism has a totally different idea we think it is making women stronger but the truth is it's about changing the way the world perceives that strength. A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men because we cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. Both men and wom...